DANA – Secretary’s Annual Report for 2020-21


(D A N A)




To be Presented in the Annual General Meeting of DANA which is to be held virtually on 31stDecember 2020 at 4.30pm.


                    Diagnostic and Applied Neuro-psychological Association (DANA) is a registered non-profit organization which was established on February 10, 2000 by a group of Professional Mental Health Workers with a noble mission to render services to the community for promoting mental health status of the same. DANA continues its work as a registered NGO since 2002, though in fact it has completed twenty years of its existence. At present, there are Total 28 Members i.e. (namely 15 General Members, 1 Honorary Member and12 Life Members) and 48 Associate Members.


The Executive Committee of DANA for 2018-2020 consists of Dr. Amal Kr. Mallick as President, Dr. Sheila Banerjee as Vice-President, Dr. Sayandip Ghosh as Secretary, Mrs. Pallabi Mukhopadhyay as Jt. Secretary, Mr. Pranab Kumar Moitra as Treasurer, Dr. Amit Chakraborty, Dr. Gautam Bandopadhyay, Mrs. Sutapa Chakraborty, Mrs. Bandana Mukherjee, Mrs. Ratna Mitra and Mrs. Rita Roy as Members. Mrs. Sutapa Chakraborty as Co-coordinator helped towards smooth functioning of DANA.


The Executive Committee Meetings were held on 30th June 2019, 2nd September 2019, 29th September 2019, 25th November 2019, 13th January 2020, and 16th March 2020.                                      


Different Activities of DANA (April, 2019 to March 2020)


A – Clinical Services


The services offered by DANA can be accessed from the following statistics. The professionals of DANA were associated with:


(1)    Registered New Clients   ——-     899






B- Public Awareness Programme


  1. On 17th June,2019 at Jibanananda Hall, DANA organized a debate programme on the Relevance of Marriage in the Current Scenario etitled “AgamidineBiye bole kichuThakbena”. The speakers were Sri Prachet Gupta, Dr Basabi Chakraborty, Mrs Krishna Sarbari Dasgupta, Sri Tarun Dutta, Dr Amit Chakraborty and Dr Gautam Bandopadhyay. The whole programme was moderated by Mrs Ratna Mitra.


  1. DANA participated actively in the kolkata Book Fair 2019 .All books of DANA were

exhibited at the stall of Shabdohorin

  1. DANA participated actively in the Kolkata Book Fair 2020. All books of DANA were exhibited at the stall of Sabdoharin.


  1. DANA participated actively in the kolkata Book Fair 2019 .All books of DANA were

exhibited at the stall of Shabdohorin


C- Orientation Programmes/ Workshop


The following orientation programmes were held by DANA between April 2019 to March 2020.


  1. Orientation Programme on Social Victimization was held at

DANA premises on 28th April 2019.

Speakers were Dr Bula Bhadra, Mrs Bandana

Mukherjee, Mrs Pallabi Mukhopadhyay & MrsSubhra

Banerjee Paul.


  1. A workshop on ‘Parenting’ was held on 26th May 2019 at

DANA premises, the Speakers were Dr Amit Chakraborty,

Mr Mohit Ranadip, Dr Gautam Bandopadhyay, & Mrs Rit Roy.


  1. The 3rdworkshop on ‘Suicide Prevention’ was held on 29th

September 2019 at DANA premises, speakers were

Dr Gautam Bandopadhyay and Dr Amit Chakraborty.


  1. An orientation programme on Parenting with Psychological

Distress on 15th March 2020. Speakers were Dr Amit

Chakraborty, Dr Gautam Bandopadhyay, Dr Sayandip Ghosh

and Dr Surdhendhu Chakraborty.





An Orientation Programme(b) On  17


August,2013   at  Jibanananda  Hall,  Parampara  the

publishing house conducted a function regarding release of a book entitled”

BoiskaleMonerAsukh” authored by Dr Gautam Bandopadhyay. Renowned

Cartoonist Mr ChandiLahiri releases the book. Dr Nrisingha Prasad Bhaduri

academician, witter P.Gupta, Many poets and doctors were also present. Mrs

Ratna   Mitra   and   Dr   Gautam   Bandopadhyay   participated   in   the   interactive

session about the subject of the book.

(c) On 12


January, 2014 DANA organized a Seminar at DANA premises. Dr

(b) On  17


August,2013   at  Jibanananda  Hall,  Parampara  the

publishing house conducted a function regarding release of a book entitled”

BoiskaleMonerAsukh” authored by Dr Gautam Bandopadhyay. Renowned

Cartoonist Mr ChandiLahiri releases the book. Dr Nrisingha Prasad Bhaduri

academician, witter P.Gupta, Many poets and doctors were also present. Mrs

Ratna   Mitra   and   Dr   Gautam   Bandopadhyay   participated   in   the   interactive

session about the subject of the book.

(c) On 12


January, 2014 DANA organized a Seminar at DANA premises. Dr

DANA participated actively in the kolkata Book Fair 2019 .All books of DANA were

exhibited at the stall of Sha


C – Cultural Activities


(a)  On 12th May, 2019 DANA organized Rabindra Jayanti at its premises. All members and guests actively participated in the programme.


(b)  On 9th October, 2019` BijoyaSammilaniwas hosted by Dr Amit Chakraborty at his residence.


(d) On 1st January 2020, DANA was shifted to a New premise at Bosepukur.  Some members gathered at the new premises on this occassion.


(e) On 10th February 2020, DANA celebrated its 20th birthday and on that day all ex-students recieved their P.G.Diploma on ‘Psychological Counselling & Behaviour Management” from W.B.State University.


Dr. Shankar Nath delivered a lecture on the topic ‘Food and Cancer’..


(f)  On 9thMarch 2020 the members of DANA gathered in the residence of Dr Amit Chakraborty on the occasion of Holi.



D – Computerization


E-billing and E- management of data related to all registered clients of DANA has been continuing over the last seven financial years and is being effectively carried on.


E–  Acknowledgement


A deep sense of gratitude is expressed to A.C. Behera & Co. for auditing the Accounts of DANA like previous years at a nominal fee.


Last, but not the least, it is the whole hearted co-operation from all categories of Members and Office Staff  e.g., Ms. Puja Dutta,

Mr. Subhas Maitra, and Mr. Animesh Patra, that has helped DANA to successfully render its service. Mr. Asoke Bose helped us finding our current  premises.

 Dr Sayandip Ghosh (Secretary)

31st December 2020



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