Workshop on ‘Social Victimization’

Daylong workshop on ‘Social Victimization’ will be organised at DANA on Sunday, 28th April 2019. 

Speakers: Ms Bandana Mukhopadhyay, Psychologist,  Ms Subhra Banerjee Pal, Psychologist, Ms Pallabi Mukhopadhyay, Psychologist and Dr Bula Bhadra, Sociologist.

All are welcome.


There are many myths and misconceptions about sexual assault and abuse in our society – most of which blame the victim/survivor. Myths prevent survivors from getting the help they need, and rarely hold the perpetrator accountable for his/her actions. These ideas are often based on systems of oppression such as sexism, racism, heterosexism or other forms of power.
Have you heard any of these dangerous examples?

  • Women ask to get assaulted when they go out late at night, wear sexy clothes, or dance close to someone.
  • Guys never get assaulted. What guy would turn down sex? What kind of a guy couldn’t defend himself?
  • Women make up assault to get attention or cover up that they wanted to have sex.
    Lesbians are gay because they haven’t had a good man yet. A gay man isn’t a real man.
  • You can’t blame a guy if he gets excited and can’t stop. If you spend a lot of money on a date, she/he owes you sex.
  • Everyone has sex when they are drunk; it’s no big deal.

Learn the Facts

MYTH: Most sexual assaults occur by deranged men who jump out from behind the bushes to assault women.
FACT: The majority of survivors (up to 85% in some studies) indicate that the person who assaulted them was someone they knew, such as a boyfriend, friend, family member, acquaintance, or service provider.

Why do we think the myth is true? It’s easier to believe that a stranger, and not someone you know and trust, would hurt you this way. Stranger assault is also more widely reported in the media and to the police, which perpetuates this idea.

MYTH: If a woman is wearing revealing or sexy clothes, she wants sex.
FACT: Every woman has the right to wear what she wants, and to choose her sexual partner. The idea that someone “asked for it” because of what she was wearing blames the victim instead of the perpetrator. You have to ask if someone wants to have sex.


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