6-week Training Course on Child & Adolescent

  1. The next Training cum Workshop on Child Development entitled “Child & Adolescent : Challenges & Outcomes” will be organised by DANA on offline-online mode beginning on Sunday 30th April and culminating on 11th June 2023. Classes will mostly held on Saturdays and Sundays between 7.30 and 9.30 pm. Interested persons may contact DANA (9051252231) between 12 & 8 pm for registration. Course fee Rs 2000.

Workshop on Mentally Challenged Children and adolescents

DANA organised a day long workshop on Mentally Challenged Children and Adolescents and Therapeutic Intrventions for them on 19th March, 2023. It was attended attended by 40 persons which included professionals, teachers, special Educators  and guardians. The speakers were Dr Anirban Roy and Ms Tanushri Das. Ami got others who spoke and I treated were Dr Amit Chakraborty, Dr Gautam Bandyopadhyay, Dr Sayndip Ghosh, Ms Lily Chakraborty and Biswajit Bhunia. The audience felt the need for periodic workshop and training programmes for empowering parents of Special Children to handle their kids.

Mentally Challenged Chidren and their Special Needs: Problem & Intervention – Workshop

Children with Special Needs (CWSN) are those who have some type of disability and require exceptional care and extra help. The special needs of these children depend on the nature of their disability.  Various conditions and disabilities can be classified into four major categories:

  1. Physical
  2. Sensory
  3. Developmental

Behavioral or Emotional

Our current concern is about children and adolescents who fall under category 3 & 4. Common Developmental Disabilities include Autism Spectrum Disorder & Down’s Syndrome. Children with behavioral or emotional disabilities may find it difficult to build or maintain interpersonal relationships, or to learn new things. They may also feel depressed or anxious. ADHD and ADD are common types of behavioral disabilities.

Specific Learning Disabilities is a group of disabling conditions that hampers a person’s ability to listen, think, speak, write, spell, or do mathematical calculations. One or more of these abilities may be hampered.

Early intervention is specialised support for children with disability, autism or other additional needs including developmental delay. Apart from Mental Health Professionals, Special Educators, Speech Therapists and Occupational Therapista play key roles in the intervention process. They can also empower parents and other caregivers to take active role in supporting their childrent and accelerating desired changes in them.

A day-long workshop will be held on the above mentioned topic at DANA on Sunday, the 19th March, 2023. The Key Speakers will be Dr Anirban Roy, acclaimed Child-Psychiatrist and Ms Tanushri Das, Senior Special Educator. The Moderator will be Prof (Dr) Gautam Bandyopadhyay, Head of yje Dept of Psychiatry, Kolkata Medical College & Hospital.

Intersted persons may join. For free registraion: Call DANA 9051252231.

Interative Programme on World Mental Health Day 2022

DANA will organise an Interacive Programme on The World Mental Health Day, Monday the 10th October, 2022 at 5 pm at its premises. The theme of this year is MAKE MENTAL HEALTH & WELL-BEING FOR ALL A GLOBAL PRIORITY.

All are welcome.

On 10 October 2022 we will be celebrating World Mental Health Day with the theme ‘Make
Mental Health & Well-Being for All a Global Priority’ a theme chosen by a global vote that
was open to the public, including WFMH members, stakeholders, and supporters.
Our world is reeling from the effects of the coronavirus pandemic, wars, displacement, and
the climate emergency, all of which have consequences for the well-being of world citizens.
Rates of people experiencing suicidal ideas are increasing globally and people with lived
experiences of mental health, their families and other populations continue to tell us that
their mental health well-being is not always at the forefront of governments, those who pay
for services or society at large. Stigma and discrimination continue to be a barrier to social
inclusion and access to the right care.
There are however some good news messages.
There is increasing evidence that the prevention of mental ill health is possible by using both
general and targeted evidence-based interventions. These can improve outcomes for
individuals across the spectrum of mental disorder and life course. We can all play our part in
increasing awareness about what preventive mental health interventions work.
We need to work with governments and other stakeholders to apply universal preventive
measures that reduce the risk of mental ill-health. This includes the promotion of social
inclusion policies, support and direct investment for vulnerable populations and investment
in communities and young people to reduce crime. We need to support well-being
interventions across the life course from pregnancy, birth, early childhood, early teens,
adulthood to older adulthood – we need to improve the social determinants of health and
address mental health stigma and discrimination.
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s)
adopted at the 70th Session of the UN General Assembly in 2015 cannot be achieved unless
we make a meaningful investment in improving mental well-being for all. The COVID 19
pandemic has shown that many health systems are ill-prepared to deal with the physical and
mental health challenges faced by their populations.
Employers generally are unprepared. The culture of our workplaces needs to support the
mental health and well-being of the workforce, so that employers are better prepared to
support mental health well-being in the working population. There is a need to establish
global mental health and well-being targets that can bring together evidence that captures
the social determinants of health, including promoting exercise, widening access to good
nutrition and food, all of which will have a positive impact on mental health and well-being.
The mental health and well-being of many health, social care and frontline workers has been
affected by the pandemic and systems need to be strengthened to better support such staff
during times of crisis and challenge.
COVID 19 has shown that no nation was prepared for the associated mental health crisis and
the effects of long Covid. We need a new compact for mental health.
Society and citizens matter.
Civil society’s role needs to be enhanced and enabled so that people can make their own
contribution to mental health and well-being in their communities and workplaces, including
harnessing peer support.
Governments have a role to play. Collaboration between governments, citizens and planners
needs to be strengthened. Policy change is often seen as a tool to deliver care packages, but
this should not be the case. Policies should be regarded as care packages. The international
community and those who pay for services need to understand this so that we can develop
truly joined up processes that deliver mental health and well-being to all our population. No
community and no individual should be left behind.
The 2022 World Mental Health Day theme ‘Make Mental Health & Well-Being for All a Global
Priority’ provides us with an opportunity to re-kindle our efforts to make the world a better

DANA – Secretary’s Annual Report 2021-2022

DANA’ Annual General Meeting for the year 2021-22 was held on 28th August, 2022 where Dr Sayandip Ghosh, the Secretary, DANA presented his Annual General Report which is as follows:

(D A N A)

ANNUAL REPORT FOR THE YEAR Presented in the Annual General Meeting of DANA which is to be held on 28th August 2022 at 1pm.

Diagnostic and Applied Neuro-psychological Association (DANA) is a registered non-profit organization which was established on February 10, 2000 by a group of Professional Mental Health Workers with a noble mission to render services to the community for promoting mental health status of the same. DANA continues its work as a registered NGO since 2002, though in fact it has completed twenty-two years of its existence. At present, there are Total 28 Members i.e. (15 General Members, 1 Honorary Member and12 Life Members) and 28 Associate Members.

The Executive Committee of DANA for 2020-2022 consists of Dr. Amal Kr. Mallick as President, Dr. Sheila Banerjee as Vice-President, Dr. Sayandip Ghosh as Secretary, Mrs. Pallabi Mukhopadhyay as Jt. Secretary, Mr. Pranab Kumar Moitra as Treasurer, Dr. Amit Chakraborty, Dr. Gautam Bandopadhyay, Mrs. Sutapa Chakraborty, Mrs. Bandana Mukherjee, Mrs. Ratna Mitra and Mrs. Rita Roy as Members. Mrs. Sutapa Chakraborty as Co-coordinator helped towards smooth functioning of DANA.

The Executive Committee Meetings were held on 10th April 2021, 26th April 2021,16th June 2021, 22th June 2021, 6th August 2021, 19th November 2021, 10th December 2021 and 4th March 2022 on virtual platform.

Different Activities of DANA (April, 2021 to March 2022)

A – Clinical Services

The services offered by DANA can be assessed from the following statistics. The professionals of DANA were associated with:

(1) Registered New Clients – 345

2. DANA participated actively in the kolkata Book Fair 2019 .All books of DANA were
exhibited at the stall of Shabdohorin

B- Orientation Programmes/ Workshop

The following orientation programmes were held by DANA between April 2021 to March 2022.

1. Workshop on “Management of Stress in the New Normal Situation” was held virtually from 8th May, 2021 to 13th June, 2021 on virtual platform.

2. Workshop on Depression- A Paradigm shift was held virtually from 3rd July 2021 to 1st August 2021.

3. On the occasion of the World Mental Health Day DANA organized a discussion on the “MENTAL HEALTH IN AN UNEQUAL WORLD” on 10th October 2021. Dr Gautam Bandopadhyay was the key speaker in that programme.

4. A Workshop titled Relationship was held by DANA between 16th January 2022 to 26th February 2022 on virtual platform.

Different Activities of DANA (April, 2021 to March 2022)

A – Clinical Services

The services offered by DANA can be assessed from the following statistics. The professionals of DANA were associated with:

(1) Registered New Clients – 345

2. DANA participated actively in the kolkata Book Fair 2019 .All books of DANA were
exhibited at the stall of Shabdohorin

B- Orientation Programmes/ Workshop

The following orientation programmes were held by DANA between April 2021 to March 2022.

1. Workshop on “Management of Stress in the New Normal Situation” was held virtually from 8th May, 2021 to 13th June, 2021 on virtual platform.

2. Workshop on Depression- A Paradigm shift was held virtually from 3rd July 2021 to 1st August 2021.

3. On the occasion of the World Mental Health Day DANA organized a discussion on the “MENTAL HEALTH IN AN UNEQUAL WORLD” on 10th October 2021. Dr Gautam Bandopadhyay was the key speaker in that programme.

4. A Workshop titled Relationship was held by DANA between 16th January 2022 to 26th February 2022 on virtual platform.

An Orientation Programme (b) On 17
August,2013 at Jibanananda Hall, Parampara the
publishing house conducted a function regarding release of a book entitled”
Boiskale Moner Asukh” authored by Dr Gautam Bandopadhyay. Renowned
Cartoonist Mr Chandi Lahiri releases the book. Dr Nrisingha Prasad Bhaduri
academician, witter P.Gupta, Many poets and doctors were also present. Mrs
Ratna Mitra and Dr Gautam Bandopadhyay participated in the interactive
session about the subject of the book.
(c) On 12
January, 2014 DANA organized a Seminar at DANA premises. Dr
(b) On 17
August,2013 at Jibanananda Hall, Parampara the
publishing house conducted a function regarding release of a book entitled”
Boiskale Moner Asukh” authored by Dr Gautam Bandopadhyay. Renowned
Cartoonist Mr Chandi Lahiri releases the book. Dr Nrisingha Prasad Bhaduri
academician, witter P.Gupta, Many poets and doctors were also present. Mrs
Ratna Mitra and Dr Gautam Bandopadhyay participated in the interactive
session about the subject of the book.
(c) On 12
January, 2014 DANA organized a Seminar at DANA premises. Dr
DANA participated actively in the kolkata Book Fair 2019 .All books of DANA were
exhibited at the stall of Sha

C – Cultural Activities

(a) On 9th May, 2021 DANA organized Rabindra Jayanti which was held virtually. All members and guests actively participated in the programme.

(b) On 20th March 2022, at the initiative of our President Dr Amal Kumar Mallick a cultural programme “Basonto Utsab” was organized at DANA premises.

D – Computerization

E-billing and E- management of data related to all registered clients of DANA has been continuing over the last seven financial years and is being effectively carried on.

E- Acknowledgement

A deep sense of gratitude is expressed to A.C. Behera & Co auditing the Accounts of DANA like previous years at a nominal fee.

Last, but not the least, it is the whole hearted co-operation from all Members and Office colleagues viz Ms. Puja Dutta, Mr. Subhas Maitra, and Mr. Animesh Patra, that has helped DANA to successfully render its service.

Dr Sayandip Ghosh


Online Workshop on Relationship

DANA is going to organise next online training course cum workshop on ‘Relationship Issues’ from Saturday, the 8th January, 2022. The duration of the Course will be 5 weeks and classes will be held every Saturday & Sunday between 7.30 pm & 9.30 pm. The Course fee will be Rs 1500. Certificates wiil be sent on successful completion of the Course. Eminent Mental Health Professionals will attend as Resource Persons.


Love is one of the most profound emotions known to human beings. There are many kinds of love, but many people seek its expression in a relationship with a compatible partner (or partners).

While need for human connection appears to be innate, the ability to form healthy, loving relationships is learned. Some evidence suggests that the ability to form a stable relationship starts to form in infancy, in a child’s earliest experiences with a caregiver who reliably meets the infant’s needs for food, care, warmth, protection, stimulation, and social contact. Such relationships are not destiny, but they are theorized to establish deeply ingrained patterns of relating to others. The end of a relationship, however, is often a source of great psychological anguish.

Tentative Schedule

1st Class- On 8th Jan 2022 Saturday:-
Overview (Attachment Style, Types of Relationship). Resource Person- D Gautam Bandopadhyay

2nd Class- On 9th Jan 2022 Sunday
(Childhood and Teenage Relationship) Resource Person- Mrs Rita Roy.

3rd Class-On 15th Jan 2022 Saturday
(Romantic Relationship). Resource Person-Mrs Bandana Mukherjee & Mrs Pallabi Mukhopadhyay

4th Class- On 16th Jan 2022 Sunday
(Marital Counseling) Resource person- Dr Amit Chakraborty
5th Class- On 22nd Jan 2022 Saturday
(Marital Counseling Part-II). Resource Person- Dr Amit Chakraborty & Mrs Ratna Mitra

6th Class- on 23rd Jan 2022 Sunday
(Family Relationship). Resource person-Mrs Banadana Mukherjee & Mrs Subhra Banerjee Paul

7th Class- On 29th Jan 2022 Saturday
(Cyber Issues) Resource Person- Dr Gautam Bandopadhyay
8th Class- On 30th Jan 2022 Sunday
(Loneliness & Grief Counselling) Resource Person- Mrs Ratna Mitra Dr Gautam Bandopadhyay

9th Class- On 5th Feb 2022 Saturday
(Mental Health Problems in Relationship) Resource Person- Dr Sayandip Ghash

10th Class- On 6th Feb 2022 Sunday
(Intervention & Various Therapies) Resource Person- Dr Sheila Banerjee


DANA’s Annual General Meeting for 2020-21

The Annual General Meeting for the year 2020-21  was held on 26th September 2021 on a hybrid mode with some some members present at Clinic Address of DANA at Bosepukur Road and others attending online. The Secretary’s Annual Report was presented along with the Audited Statement of Accounts. A total of 27 members attended and the meeting ended with vote of thanks to the chair

(D A N A)
To be Presented in the Annual General Meeting of DANA which is to be
held on 26th September 2021 at 4pm.
Diagnostic and Applied Neuro-psychological Association
(DANA) is a registered non-profit organization which was established on
February 10, 2000 by a group of Professional Mental Health Workers with a noble
mission to render services to the community for promoting mental health status
of the same. DANA continues its work as a registered NGO since 2002, though
in fact it has completed twenty years of its existence. At present, there are Total
28 Members i.e. (namely 15 General Members, 1 Honorary Member and12 Life
Members) and 48 Associate Members.
The Executive Committee of DANA for 2020-2022 consists of Dr.
Amal Kr. Mallick as President, Dr. Sheila Banerjee as Vice-President, Dr.
Sayandip Ghosh as Secretary, Mrs. Pallabi Mukhopadhyay as Jt. Secretary, Mr.
Pranab Kumar Moitra as Treasurer, Dr. Amit Chakraborty, Dr. Gautam
Bandopadhyay, Mrs. Sutapa Chakraborty, Mrs. Bandana Mukherjee, Mrs. Ratna
Mitra and Mrs. Rita Roy as Members. Mrs. Sutapa Chakraborty as Co￾coordinator helped towards smooth functioning of DANA.
The Executive Committee Meetings were held on 18th May 2020, 20th June 2020,
17th July 2020, 16th August 2020, 5
th September 2020, 10th October 2020, 8th
December 2020,31st December 2020, 8th February 2021, on virtual platform .

Different Activities of DANA (April, 2020 to March 2021)
A – Clinical Services
The services offered by DANA can be assessed from the following
statistics. The professionals of DANA were associated with:B- Orientation Programmes / Workshop
1. Workshops on Psychology of Sex was held virtually on 11th September2020,
25th September 2020, 9th October2020, 20th December2020, 8th January 2021.
Dr Amit Chakraborty was the key speaker in that programme.
2. A Workshop titled Wild Adolescence was held by DANA between April 13th
February 2021 to14th March 2021 on virtual platform.
3. The corona pandemic has affected DANA in a major way. The offline
consultation s had to be reduced significantly bur DANA has continued online
consultations regularly. Whenever there has been some relief due to
improvement of Covid situation DANA has started refunctioning on a hybrid
mode with both online and offline consultations. DANA has been arranging
web Inari and online orientation programmes with regularity and good
participation throughout the covid pandemic.
C – Cultural Activities
(a) On 9
th May, 2020 DANA organized Rabindra Jayanti which
was held virtually. All members and guests actively participated in the
(b) On 24th October, 2020 “Pujor Adda” was held virtually and
all the members actively participated in this programme.
D- Publication
DANA published a booklet called ‘ Ghar Bandi Mon ‘ on the ongoing COVID
pandemic in August 2020.Several relevant articles by Dr.Amit Chakraborty ,
Dr. Gautam Bandopadhyay , Dr. Anirban Roy and others were part of the
booklet .

E-billing and E- management of data related to all registered clients of DANA
has been continuing over the last seven financial years and is being effectively
carried on.
F- Obituary
DANA deeply mourns the loss of three of their prominent members who
succumbed to COVID related complicationCondolences to the departed souls of Mrs .Sipra Chaudhury, psychologist
previously attached as HOD of Department of psychology , Institute of Child
Health ; Professor Dr. Dilip Kumar Sinha , academician and Ex – Vice
chancellor , Viswa Bharati ; Justice D.K.Basu , retired judge and founder
Chairman of LASWEB .
G- Acknowledgement

A deep sense of gratitude is expressed to A.C. Behera & Co auditing the
Accounts of DANA like previous years at a nominal fee.
Last, but not the least, it is the whole hearted co-operation from
all categories of Members and Office colleagues viz Ms. Puja Dutta, Mr.
Subhas Maitra, and Mr. Animesh Patra, that has helped DANA to successfully
render its service.
Dr Sayandip Ghosh